
business owners

Why Design-Build Contractors Need Professional Liability Insurance
Why Design-Build Contractors Need Professional Liability Insurance
Design-build contractors face unique liability risks and must consider professional liability insurance to fill in gaps cause be general construction liability insurance.
Insurance for Craft Brewers
Insurance for Craft Brewers
Make getting insurance for your Ontario craft brewery easier by working with a licensed business insurance broker. Protect your blood, sweat, and beers with the latest insurance options for your craft brewery.
Employees Are Asking for a Hybrid Work From Home Model
Employees Are Asking for a Hybrid Work From Home Model
Since employees were required to adapt to working from home, they have been requesting to continue this model. Or at least a hybrid work from home model.
Common Types of Social Engineering Attacks
Common Types of Social Engineering Attacks
The ever-increasing threats of social engineering attacks require business owners to educate themselves and their employees on cyber threats. With COVID-19 leading to more and more people working from home, cybersecurity has gained even more importance.
Navigating the Hard Market Insurance Cycle
Navigating the Hard Market Insurance Cycle
A hard insurance market in Ontario leads to higher prices for business insurance. Learn more about how a hard market means in insurance.
Covid 19 Screening Tool for Workplaces - Requirements for Ontario Businesses
Covid 19 Screening Tool for Workplaces - Requirements for Ontario Businesses
The Ontario government's Ministry of Health provided a screening tool to use on workers and essential visitors upon entering the workplace.
COVID-19 Cleaning Best Practices
COVID-19 Cleaning Best Practices
Having a cleaning log for your organization is important now more than ever! Consider these COVID-19 cleaning best practices and keeping a log to ensure you do your part to help contain the spread of COVID-19.
Addressing Bias in the Workplace
Addressing Bias in the Workplace
Eliminating gender discrimination in the workplace and other biases can be a difficult task, even with the best intentions. Take these considerations for mitigating bias in the workplace.
Keep Employees Safe from Cyber Threats When Working from Home
Keep Employees Safe from Cyber Threats When Working from Home
Employees working from home opens up businesses of all sizes to more cybersecurity threats. Consider these cybersecurity measures to protect your business.
Keeping Employees Engaged When They Work Remotely
Keeping Employees Engaged When They Work Remotely
Employees working remotely have become more prevalent due to COVID-19; keeping them engaged can be challenging but we provide some tips.
10 Ways Employers Can Support Employee Mental Health [PART 2]
10 Ways Employers Can Support Employee Mental Health [PART 2]
Part 2 of our two-part series discusses how employers can help promote a positive mental health culture in the workplace.
Addressing Employee Mental Health [PART 1]
Addressing Employee Mental Health [PART 1]
Part 1 of our two-part series discusses how mental health in the workplace looks now and the most common mental health conditions affecting employees.
Return to Work Plans Following the COVID-19 Pandemic
Return to Work Plans Following the COVID-19 Pandemic
With the Ontario government planning to reopen, your company and its employees must be protected when it's time to do so. We discuss a post-COVID-19 pandemic return to work plan.
Business Interruption Insurance Coverage Amid COVID-19 [FAQ]
Business Interruption Insurance Coverage Amid COVID-19 [FAQ]
FAQ about business interruption coverage amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ontario's Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2020
Ontario's Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2020
The Ontario fiscal plan devotes significant resources to dealing with the virus with both short and long-term financial outlooks on significant areas of government spending, including a $3.3 billion increase in funding to various healthcare projects.
Social Media Security: 5 Risks to Your Business
Social Media Security: 5 Risks to Your Business
Social media can help organizations engage with customers and expand their reach, but using it comes with potential risks.
Tips to Manage Winter Weather Risks in the Workplace
Tips to Manage Winter Weather Risks in the Workplace
Ontario winter weather means higher risks for businesses. Learn some tips to control your workplace's winter weather risks
Protecting Vacant Real Estate Property
Protecting Vacant Real Estate Property
Vacant property insurance can help protect your vacant real estate, but here are more ways to help limit your risk and liability.
Benefits of Commercial General Liability Insurance
Benefits of Commercial General Liability Insurance
Simply put, a Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy casts a wide net of protection for you and your business by covering various liabilities.
14 Ways to Promote an Active Lifestyle in the Workplace
14 Ways to Promote an Active Lifestyle in the Workplace
It's no secret that having healthy employees are important to a successful company so it's critical employers provide employees opportunities in the workplace to promote active lifestyles.
The Insurance Pricing Cycle
The Insurance Pricing Cycle
Learn about the insurance pricing cycle and the risk management strategies to use to secure the best possible price, whatever market conditions prevail.
Why do I need critical illness insurance?
Why do I need critical illness insurance?
Learn about the importance of Critical Illness Insurance through one man's story.
Mobile Security for Phones and Tablets [Tips for Employers]
Mobile Security for Phones and Tablets [Tips for Employers]
In order to protect your organization, consider these mobile device security tips for employers.
How To Keep Mould Out Of Your Home [Tips]
How To Keep Mould Out Of Your Home [Tips]
Mold is a dangerous substance and the key to preventing mold is to control the moisture level.
Cyber Security Attacks Increasing for Canadian Organizations
Cyber Security Attacks Increasing for Canadian Organizations
Cyber security attacks have targeted an alarming majority of Canadian companies, pointing out the importance of cyber liability insurance
Home-Based Business Coverage [Overview]
Home-Based Business Coverage [Overview]
If you conduct business in your home, insuring your business properly is part of a solid risk management plan.
Highlights from the 2019-20 Federal Budget
Highlights from the 2019-20 Federal Budget
Businesses and individuals should be aware of major budgetary items, as some changes could have a significant impact moving forward.
3 Benefits of Employee Benefits
3 Benefits of Employee Benefits
It's important to offer a comprehensive employee benefits program to retain employees and keep them engaged, healthy, and feeling appreciated. An employer's business is only as good as its employees.
Federal Data Breach Regulations Take Effect Nov. 1, 2018
Federal Data Breach Regulations Take Effect Nov. 1, 2018
In order to avoid fines and penalties, organizations will need to understand PIPEDA and its basic requirements.
5 Tips for Contractor Equipment Security
5 Tips for Contractor Equipment Security
In the world of contractors' equipment, theft is a major threat to your bottom line. Here are five things you can do to protect your equipment against major loss and theft.
Non-Profit D&O Insurance: Examples of insurance at work
Non-Profit D&O Insurance: Examples of insurance at work
Even when acting in good faith, directors and officers of non-profits expose themselves to risks with each decision they make on behalf of their organization. In the event of a claim, non-profit leaders could suffer severe damage to their reputation and personal finances simply based on their decisions.
Of Every 10 Businesses in Canada, Only 4 Have Data Breach Policies in Place
Of Every 10 Businesses in Canada, Only 4 Have Data Breach Policies in Place
The goal of this survey was to learn how knowledgeable organizations are on privacy issues and requirements, understand the types of privacy policies and practices they have in place, and determine their privacy information needs.
Remodeling your home
Remodeling your home
It's time to renovate your home or cottage! Whether you have hired someone to renovate or you're doing it yourself, there are some things you need to be aware.
CCOHS Launches E-Course on Marijuana and Workplace Impairment
CCOHS Launches E-Course on Marijuana and Workplace Impairment
With the federal legalization of recreational marijuana right around the corner, it’s more important than ever that employers understand the dangers of workplace impairment, particularly as it relates to marijuana usage.
Preparing Your Business for Flooding
Preparing Your Business for Flooding
Neglecting to prepare your property for possible flooding can sink your business. Stay afloat with solid preparation and a thorough flood plan.
Ontario Workplace Health and Safety Records Now Available Online
Ontario Workplace Health and Safety Records Now Available Online
WISB recently launched a new online tool to make health and safety a matter of public record. Compass lets Ontarians find and compare health and safety statistics for businesses across Ontario.
Cryptocurrencies and What They Mean For Your Business
Cryptocurrencies and What They Mean For Your Business
Technology has added efficiency and modern conveniences to daily life. Among these conveniences, computer experts have managed to apply digital traits to new, online currencies in what is called cryptocurrencies.
Here are the highlights from Canada's 2018 Federal Budget
Here are the highlights from Canada's 2018 Federal Budget
Overall, the budget aims to narrow the deficit to $18.1 billion; however, there is no target date for a return to balance.
The Staggering Cost of Workplace Bullying
The Staggering Cost of Workplace Bullying
Almost 40% of workers report having been bullied. Bullying can cause emotional and physical damage to employees; such damage often includes feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
5 Construction Trends for 2018
5 Construction Trends for 2018
Preparing for the year ahead can set your construction firm up for success in 2018 while simultaneously helping you avoid major setbacks. In order to stay competitive, the following are five major construction trends for 2018
Top Legal Risks to Watch in 2018
Top Legal Risks to Watch in 2018
As the economy becomes increasingly complex and unpredictable, businesses continue to face serious legal risks. According to a report from Borden Ladner Gervais, this year is no exception.
Health Effects of Working in the Cold
Health Effects of Working in the Cold
Workers exposed to extremely cold conditions are at risk of serious health problems, including hypothermia, frostbite, dehydration, and muscle injuries.
Transport Canada Mandates Two New Safety Devices
Transport Canada Mandates Two New Safety Devices
The government hopes these technologies—electronic stability controls and electronic logging devices (ELDs)—will improve road safety and create a more level playing field in terms of compliance.
Social Host Liquor Liability - Holiday Parties
Social Host Liquor Liability - Holiday Parties
A social host may be held responsible for the acts of their guests if their conduct creates or exacerbates a risk to the public.
Noteworthy Cyber Security News Items
Noteworthy Cyber Security News Items
Yahoo Says All Accounts Were Hacked in 2013, Equifax Cyber Security Incident, Canadian Government Hit by State-sponsored Cyber Attacks an Average of Once Per Week
Highlighting the Importance of Fire Safety Plans at Work
Highlighting the Importance of Fire Safety Plans at Work
One of the best ways employers can protect their business from costly and devastating fires is by establishing a fire safety plan.
Winter Weather Preparedness Checklist for your Business
Winter Weather Preparedness Checklist for your Business
Severe winter weather can lead to commercial property damage, employee illness or injury, and possible business closures.
How to Avoid Construction Defects
How to Avoid Construction Defects
Learn how to avoid construction defect claims. Construction defect claims are common risks for architects, engineers, and contractors.
November is Fall Prevention Month
November is Fall Prevention Month
Approximately 215 older adults are hospitalized each day because of falls. Falls are a cause of serious injury in older adults and it's critical to learn ways to keep loved ones safe.
Keeping Drivers Safe During Rest Stops
Keeping Drivers Safe During Rest Stops
Gas stations and truck stops are a popular target for criminals, and it’s important to do the following in order to safeguard your drivers and cargo
Federal Government Publishes Data Breach Reporting Requirements Draft
Federal Government Publishes Data Breach Reporting Requirements Draft
The Canadian government published proposed regulations relating to the mandatory reporting of privacy breaches under Canada’s federal data protection law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
5 Tips for Applying for Cyber Insurance in Ontario
5 Tips for Applying for Cyber Insurance in Ontario
For cyber insurance in Ontario to be effective, it requires these 5 best practices when applying for cyber insurance.
3 Business Lessons from the HBO Hack
3 Business Lessons from the HBO Hack
On July 31, 2017, HBO revealed that a group of hackers had stolen 1.5 terabytes of data from the network. Following the breach, unaired episodes of “Game of Thrones,” one of HBO’s flagship shows were systematically leaking spoilers.
Benefits of Creating Accessible Workplaces
Benefits of Creating Accessible Workplaces
Recruiting and retaining skilled talent can be a challenge for businesses across Ontario - especially as markets are faced with an aging workforce and a lack of young talent.
10 Hazards in the Workplace for Construction Workers
10 Hazards in the Workplace for Construction Workers
Here are 10 hazards in the work place for construction sites that can cause serious injuries or even death, making it all the more important to be aware of the most common threats facing employees.
Canada is the Second Most Expensive Country for Data Breaches
Canada is the Second Most Expensive Country for Data Breaches
A report found that the average total cost of a data breach is approximately $5.78 million.
The Importance of Proper Lighting
The Importance of Proper Lighting
When working in the manufacturing industry, proper shop lighting is key to preventing employee injuries. Specifically, improper lighting can create the following exposures:
Why is Cyber Security Important for Businesses of All Sizes?
Why is Cyber Security Important for Businesses of All Sizes?
Cyber security importance is growing in all industries. Organizations are adopting new, more efficient technology more quickly, opening themselves up to be targets of cyber criminals.
Noise: The Not-So-Silent Workplace Hazard
Noise: The Not-So-Silent Workplace Hazard
Excessive workplace noise can cause hearing damage that is disabling and often permanent.
Heat Illnesses and How to Protect Employees
Heat Illnesses and How to Protect Employees
While it’s best not to work outside in high temperatures, the nature of certain jobs—like construction or landscaping—sometimes makes it unavoidable.
Cyber Insurance Explained: 6 Considerations When Buying Cyber Insurance
Cyber Insurance Explained: 6 Considerations When Buying Cyber Insurance
Get cyber insurance explained in a way that you can understand and apply to your business. The level of coverage your business needs can vary depending on your range of exposure, and it’s important to work with an experienced cyber insurance broker.
Ransomware Attack Sweeping the Globe
Ransomware Attack Sweeping the Globe
Another global cyber attack was activated Tuesday, June 27, leaving companies across Europe, Australia, and the United Stated struggling to respond.
5 Types of Cyber Attacks That Threaten Small Businesses
5 Types of Cyber Attacks That Threaten Small Businesses
Small businesses face many types of cyber attacks and could have to front $46,000 or more per event. Learn more about the common types of cyber attacks that threaten small businesses.
6 Simple First-Aid Tips That Could Save a Co-Worker's Life
6 Simple First-Aid Tips That Could Save a Co-Worker's Life
Ensure that you can help your co-worker during these six first-aid emergencies.
1 in 4 Internet Users Don't Know How to Respond to a Ransomware Attack
1 in 4 Internet Users Don't Know How to Respond to a Ransomware Attack
The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) recently found that 1 in 4 internet users would have no idea how to respond to a ransomware attack.
5 Tips for Restoring Your Business Following a Flood
5 Tips for Restoring Your Business Following a Flood
Floods can be miserable ordeals, even with extensive preparation. Read on to learn five tips to properly restore a business after a flood.
Devastating Reputational Risks for Your Business
Devastating Reputational Risks for Your Business
A strong reputation has the potential to be your largest asset, but just one crisis could irrevocably tarnish your image and ruin your business.
10 Steps to Follow When Moving Your Business
10 Steps to Follow When Moving Your Business
During a move, businesses may experience challenges that can adversely impact their bottom lines if the proper planning isn't considered. Learn what steps to take to ensure a successful move.
Slip and Fall Prevention Tips
Slip and Fall Prevention Tips
Employee and customer slips and falls are a large liability for your company. Train employees to practice slip and fall safety using good housekeeping and prevention techniques.
6 Steps for Building a Successful Emergency Response Plan
6 Steps for Building a Successful Emergency Response Plan
Emergencies of all kinds can have a significant impact on the workplace and can harm the health of your employees and property. Specifically, things like fires, explosions, medical emergencies, earthquakes, power failures, and chemical spills can occur without warning, potentially costing organizations time and money.
How the 2017 Federal Budget Could Impact Employee Benefits
How the 2017 Federal Budget Could Impact Employee Benefits
The full budget details how the government will spend $330 billion ($1 billion of new spending) on programs, services and paying down Canada's debt.
Does Your Builders Risk Policy Cover Soft Costs?
Does Your Builders Risk Policy Cover Soft Costs?
Builders risk insurance provides valuable protection in the event of a direct property loss experienced by a contractor, project owner, or other insured party during the construction process.
Insured Losses from Catastrophic Events Reached $4.9 Billion in 2016
Insured Losses from Catastrophic Events Reached $4.9 Billion in 2016
In insurance, a catastrophic event is one that is typically unpredictable and causes extreme loss. Catastrophic events can be either natural or man-made disasters, and common examples include earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and terrorist attacks.
Highlights from the Federal Budget 2017
Highlights from the Federal Budget 2017
The Liberal government recently tabled the 2017 federal budget, which Finance Minister Bill Morneau says will put Canadians to work and make the country more innovative and globally competitive.
Employee Management to Reduce Occupational Fraud and Abuse
Employee Management to Reduce Occupational Fraud and Abuse
Learn about reducing occupational fraud within your business to help protect it from the most damaging cyber attacks.
9 Benefits of Trade Credit Insurance
9 Benefits of Trade Credit Insurance
Trade credit insurance - also know as credit insurance or export credit insurance - is a form of insurance that transfers risk for businesses seeking to protect their accounts receivable against nonpayment.
Report Predicts Escalation of Cyber Attacks in 2017
Report Predicts Escalation of Cyber Attacks in 2017
According to a recent report, businesses can expect to see an increase in the number and severity of cyber attacks in 2017 and a large number of politically motivated cyber attacks near the end of 2016 will escalate into larger cyber attack conflicts.
88 Percent of Employees Lack Knowledge to Prevent Cyber Attacks
88 Percent of Employees Lack Knowledge to Prevent Cyber Attacks
You can prevent cyber attacks by educating your employees on the risks and common vulnerabilities of your business.
Benefits of a Smoke-Free Workplace
Benefits of a Smoke-Free Workplace
According to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) study, smoking costs the global economy more than $1 trillion per year in health care costs and lost productivity. Furthermore, the number of tobacco-related deaths is projected to increase from 6 million to 8 million annually by 2030.
Average cost of data breach: $6.2 million - Defending your business with insurance
Average cost of data breach: $6.2 million - Defending your business with insurance
Email is an essential business communications tool, but its use can cause complications for your company. Employees often misuse company email accounts for personal matters, potentially landing them and their employers in hot water.
5 Common Sources of Liability for D&O Insurance
5 Common Sources of Liability for D&O Insurance
In today's business climate of corporate transparency and accountability, an organization's officers and directors face a myriad of employment-related exposures. Regardless of your company's size or mission, the legal costs associated with a lawsuit can be crippling for both the organization and your directors and officers. We now explore 5 of the most common sources of directors and officers (D&O) liability.
The Biggest Cyber Security Disasters of 2017
The Biggest Cyber Security Disasters of 2017
2017 was not without its share of cyber security incidents—incidents that impacted companies of all sizes and affected multiple industries. The following are some of the biggest cyber security disasters of 2017.
Amendments to Ontario's Construction Projects Regulation Come Into Force January 1
Amendments to Ontario's Construction Projects Regulation Come Into Force January 1
These changes are meant to strengthen and clarify existing requirements relating to the use of suspended access equipment. Suspended access equipment refers to work platforms or seating that is suspended by wire ropes from an overhead roof anchor. These platforms or seating that is suspended by wire ropes from an overhead roof anchor. These platforms are often lowered along the face of a building or structure. Examples include things like swing stages and boatswain's chairs.