
identity theft

Cryptocurrencies and What They Mean For Your Business
Cryptocurrencies and What They Mean For Your Business
Technology has added efficiency and modern conveniences to daily life. Among these conveniences, computer experts have managed to apply digital traits to new, online currencies in what is called cryptocurrencies.
Noteworthy Cyber Security News Items
Noteworthy Cyber Security News Items
Yahoo Says All Accounts Were Hacked in 2013, Equifax Cyber Security Incident, Canadian Government Hit by State-sponsored Cyber Attacks an Average of Once Per Week
Federal Government Publishes Data Breach Reporting Requirements Draft
Federal Government Publishes Data Breach Reporting Requirements Draft
The Canadian government published proposed regulations relating to the mandatory reporting of privacy breaches under Canada’s federal data protection law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
3 Business Lessons from the HBO Hack
3 Business Lessons from the HBO Hack
On July 31, 2017, HBO revealed that a group of hackers had stolen 1.5 terabytes of data from the network. Following the breach, unaired episodes of “Game of Thrones,” one of HBO’s flagship shows were systematically leaking spoilers.
Employee Management to Reduce Occupational Fraud and Abuse
Employee Management to Reduce Occupational Fraud and Abuse
Learn about reducing occupational fraud within your business to help protect it from the most damaging cyber attacks.
Report Predicts Escalation of Cyber Attacks in 2017
Report Predicts Escalation of Cyber Attacks in 2017
According to a recent report, businesses can expect to see an increase in the number and severity of cyber attacks in 2017 and a large number of politically motivated cyber attacks near the end of 2016 will escalate into larger cyber attack conflicts.
The Biggest Cyber Security Disasters of 2017
The Biggest Cyber Security Disasters of 2017
2017 was not without its share of cyber security incidents—incidents that impacted companies of all sizes and affected multiple industries. The following are some of the biggest cyber security disasters of 2017.