Dangers of Texting and Driving

Last Updated:
March 22, 2019
Time to Read:

For every two seconds that a driver's eyes stray away from the road, he or she is twice as likely to have an accident. Inattention is the leading contributing factor in most crashes or near-miss accidents in Canada.

Inattention on the Road

Of all crashes, 80 percent (and 65 percent of near-crashes) involve driver inattention within a three-second window of the incident. The moral of the store: When motorists change radio stations, try to read maps, or talk on cell phones they are putting themselves and others at risk.

How Texting is Unique

AAA claims that texting requires a motorist's full attention, which obviously inhibits attention to the road.

A recent study by the Canada Automobile Association found that 33.6 seconds are needed to reply to a text message. In this time, a driver in a residential neighbourhood would pass 85 parked cars, 36 houses, or 5 intersections. The driver would also likely encounter bikes and pedestrians.

This concern is by no means limited to everyday drivers; inattention due to texting has caused many occupational drivers to be involved in deadly roadway crashes.

It's Against the Law

Ontario has laws outlawing the use of mobile devices and texting while driving. To avoid a ticket and a potentially dangerous accident, do not use your cell phone in any capacity while driving.Texting is a prevalent cause of crashes because full driver attention is crucial.If you're really struggling to resist the urge to respond to messages when they come in, turn your phone off before getting into the car. No message is more important than saving someone's life.